Introducing a ready to assemble 2.7t short block. utilizing the following list of parts short blocks. Professional install is required unless deemed otherwise by sep auto llc. All sales are final.
Rpm house brand h beam rods with arp hardware
oem thrust washers,
oem rod bearings
goetz piston rings
Oem main bearings
arp main studs
oem stock pistons
oem crank polished and balanced
Hot tanking of block
line honed maincaps and corresponding block portion
decked cylinder head matting surfaces
honed short block
new oring and crank locking pin cap
oem oil pump
oem oil pump chain
oem oil pump tensioner
oem rear main seal gasket and flange,
oem front crank shaft seal
oem front main gasket.
Oem oil pans upper and lower
new oil pump pick up tube orings
Oem valley pan gasket and cover
Oem pick up tubes
all new oil pan hardware upper and lower
new oil drain plug
new oil feed hard tube oring
all associated short block timing component hardware, including water pump and tstat housing hardware.
If items must be returned for reasons other then failure a 14 day return policy post purchase is applicable to this product. Buyer is responsible for shipping and all items must be returned in their original packaging. A 44% restocking fee applied.
(PLEASE NOTE) - for all short blocks paid by means of private company invoice: any and all deposits will be forfeited upon breach of agreed payment schedule and or when grand total amount of short block is not met. Please understand that each short block is assembled to order.
If block is tampered with by 3rd party warranty is void.